DeviceAlliance Presents the 4th Annual Women In Medical Device Virtual Conference (Video)

The 4th Annual DeviceAlliance Women in Medtech conference was recorded live Thursday, July 23, 2020, at 5 pm PST on Zoom and

It was an outstanding event with lots of authenticity and heart. Annette Walker, President of City of Hope delivers the Keynote and moderates a lively panel discussion and audience Q&A with a slew of influential women in Medical technologies including Ami Mehta Director at MicroVention, Ph.D. Psychologist Alessandra Wall of  Life In Focus, Dominique Worthington GM & Sr. Director CSF Management & Critical Care at Medtronic, and Marinela Gombosev, CEO of Evoke Neuroscience. The two-hour virtual event was hosted by DeviceAlliances’ own Lisa Thomas and produced by DeviceAlliance president Scott Johnson and Pro Presence Virtual Event Management. Matthew Evilsizor was the Technical Producer of the event and Editor of the final recorded video you see here.

DeviceAlliance is a non-profit organization focused exclusively on promoting the vitality of Southern California’s medical device community. A tight-knit group of professionals who exchange ideas and insights, giving each member a competitive edge in the marketplace. Visit and follow their event calendar to participate in future virtual events and conferences that educate and engage the Southern California Medical Device community!


“The Power of True Grit: Starting from Zero.” Keynote by Kyle Weiger with brief interview by Matthew Evilsizor. Excerpt from Virtual Conference (Video)