Public Speaking Training Methodology
Want to improve your next video sales call? Need to deliver a moving keynote? Want more engagement during your next video meeting? Looking to slay an investor pitch, virtual event, interview, or networking event? We will help.
Our coaches customize your training for real-world situations: no buzzwords, no canned speeches. Pro Presence’s Presentation Training program will improve your conversational sales skills and let you present yourself with confidence, poise, precision, and an authentic voice.
Elevate your video meeting, live presentation, or virtual event
Our Methodology
We clarify your messaging to ensure clarity and consistency, replacing jargon, deleting redundancies, strengthening metaphors and analogies, and keeping examples relatable. Memorable data, poignant talking points, and the right balance of humor and pathos will ensure your audience connection.
We have watched and revised hundreds of decks. Common errors and oversights diminish a pitch, so we help you prepare the best possible slide order and present all the information. Unsure of font size, word count, or story flow? We’ve got you covered.
Once the content is in place, we work on performance.
If your material doesn’t feel natural to you, it won’t feel comfortable to your audience. We work with you to hone the language, then add in any missing authentic elements (humor, intrigue, excitement, surprise) that will make your personal material more compelling.
How we present ourselves to our audience can make or break an introduction and leave a lasting impression. We work with you on ettiquete and best practices until you feel natural, comfortable, and confident in front of an audience of one — or 1 million.
Body Language
Vocal pitch and inflection affect your meaning as well as audience reception: we’ll make sure your tone reflects your intention.
The speed at which we speak, especially for non-native English speakers, greatly impacts audience comprehension. We’ll find you a pace that feels natural, matches the “energy” of the presentation, and articulates your language.
There will be certain things you will want to memorize word for word, but usually you simply need to know your talking points. We help you work through common pitfalls and unique challenges to give you confidence.
Will you need to transition your own slides? Will you be using a microphone? Can you crowd walk or will you be at a podium or in a chair? Whatever the circumstance, we’ll ensure you’re as comfortable as possible on presentation day.
Get stage fright? Hate being so “observed” while presenting in a video meeting? We’re here for you. We cover a range of techniques to help you feel cool and confident:
Grounding yourself
Resolving nerves
Microphone skills
Body language
Facial Expressions
How to “find your light”
Technical preparations
Engaging your audience
Taking control of the space
Why, when, and how to move
Losing your place/troubleshooting
Plus plenty more targeted insight
Wether you want to improve your virtual presentation skills or for in person events, we can help!